CBE’s technology highlighted in ShelfLife Magazine

CBE’s unique Scale to Sale technology was highlighted in the recent ShelfLife article on retail technology in forecourts.

Scale to Sale technology can help streamline forecourt operations

Retailers are continuously looking for ways to improve efficiencies within their business. For forecourt retailers this involves ensuring that they maximise spend within the store along with sales on the forecourt.

CBE identified the deli area as a major area for forecourt retailers looking to streamline their operations with staff costs, wastage and shrinkage being the major areas for concern.

Improving operational efficiency

With this in mind, CBE’s innovation team have developed their unique Scale to Sale technology which allows retailers to tighten control on their deli operations. The Scale to Sale technology has proven to increase security, improve operational efficiency and reduce wastage. It tracks all labels printed at the deli and cross references them against deli sales at the checkout. By doing this, it can:

  • Identify and prevent theft and pilferage
  • Provide a live snapshot of transactions in circulation
  • Reduce scanning times at the checkout
  • Provide a comprehensive reporting analysis
Scale to Sale – how it works

Pilferage dramatically reduced

The new software has been installed in a number of forecourts throughout the country with fantastic feedback to date. Seamus McHugh, CBE’s Marketing Manager, commented: 
“The reaction from forecourt, convenience and supermarket retailers has been fantastic. Finally they have a solution to an age old problem of monitoring items that were prepared at the deli but not being paid for at the checkout. Pilferage has been dramatically reduced in all cases and margins in turn have increased within the delis. We at CBE believe that this new software solution will provide enormous benefit to all retailers that operate a deli”

Read the article in full at: http://www.shelflife.ie/moving-forecourts-forward/#ixzz3LzDLFnFo